Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chapter 12, Page 12 Now, something completely different

An interesting fantasy.

There's a good(ish) reason why this took so long. I was trying to make it look more dramatic. More like what you might find in a graphic novel.

Okay, so I've also been playing a lot of video games, looking for a job, playing with my cat, and generally goofing off. (Looking for a job isn't goofing off, but everything else I've been doing pretty much is.) What's going on should be explained next week. If I don't get too distracted.

Ooo... shiny...


Journo-SEAL said...

Wait, are you not working for the View from Here anymore?

Journo-SEAL said...

Really cool scene, by the way. I really admired the elf defying his interrogator. You go, elf!

Brigid said...

@Journo: Oh, I still do, but it's a non-paying job. I get lots of exposure for my art, though.

And I'm glad you like the scene. Things like this are just so cool.

Tenacious-K said...

I know what you mean! You're focused and dedicated to a project only to...



And, yes, very nice strip. I like the style - quite dramatic. Glad to see you drawing. Hang in there and good luck with the job hunt!


Brigid said...

@Tenacious-K: Thanks! I've found a few jobs to apply for, now here's hoping I get one of them. Though a few would involve moving. Not far, just enough so I don't have an hour commute, but it would make life interesting for a while.