Monday, July 9, 2012

Chapter 14, Page 9 Scary spider

Standard spider reaction.

Sorry for the delay. Again. Life happened a lot. And then there was the heat wave that made drawing rather difficult. (The tablet gets very warm very quickly and my hands tend to stick to paper.) I think I'm starting to catch up on a lifetime of inadequate sleep, so maybe I'll be able to update more frequently.

No promises.


Journo-SEAL said...

@Brigid: Thank God Conny doesn't have a shotgun XD

Brigid said...

@Journo: Nah. She doesn't like guns.

Journo-SEAL said...

@Brigid: I'm very relieved. And so are the walls and the floor of the house XD (Dan) said...

I had a close encounter with a black widow once myself. Had just turned out the lights to go to bed when I felt something moving on my arm. Brushed it off, not thinking much of it, but when I grabbed my glasses and turned the light back on, you can imagine my suprise at finding one of the more toxic (to humans; If you're a fly they're all pretty venemous) spiders in North America scurrying across the floor by my bed. '^_^

Brigid said...

@Journo: Very relieved.

@Dan: 0.0 And I am *SO* glad I live in a state with no venomous spiders, snakes, or anything.

Journo-SEAL said...

@Brigid: No venomous animals/insects/arachnids/delete as appropriate in Minnesota? 0_0

Brigid said...

@Journo: Well, some folks have to worry about bee stings because they're allergic, but that's about it.

Journo-SEAL said...

@Brigid: Lucky you!

Brigid said...

@Journo: Ah, well there are some trade offs. Sub-arctic winters being up there. ~_^ (Dan) said...

Subarctic winters, maybe, but you also have lakes and rivers that you can't, with a cooperative wind, spit across; trees and (mostly; one of your recent comments on FB led me to believe that the next statement isn't always true) grass that are green in the summer; trees that turn colors in the fall (out here they mostly turn yellow and then the leaves all die and fall to the ground); and you don't have to worry about wildfires burning down your home town every summer. :)

Brigid said...

@Dan: Quite true. On the other hand we also have lakes and rivers that are great breeding grounds for the plethora of invertebrate blood-suckers that call Minnesota home; thissles, nettles, and other shark and pointy plants that are very good at hiding in that lush, green grass; and... Okay, I can't think of counters to the other two.

And we don't have to worry about wildfires because at least in that respect our local government is smart. We're allowed to set controlled burns and build fire breaks so conditions don't get so bad that huge wildfires happen. (Though once in a while conditions do get bad enough that the northern part of the state declares itself a no-campfire zone. Mostly because most of the northern part of the state is a semi-interconnected series of state parks.)

Anonymous said...

NOT COOL! NOT COOL AT ALL! Oh my gosh, I still got a little chill reading this comic. lol I remember that happening and I know you guys didn't mean it that time, but you two managed to fuel my fear of spiders for a long, long time.

Brigid said...

@Anonymous: Sorry, sis. ^^;