Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chapter 10, Page 13 Still awesome

The feeling of control is still there.

Ever notice that the games on display in Walmart and the controls under them seem to be completely disconnected? That is, when you pick up the controls and mash buttons nothing happens. You'd think these demo displays would allow you to actually play the games, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Oh well, it's still cool to pretend.

Oh, and feeling like an idiot for not getting this out on time. I know updates have been a little irregular of late and I've been trying to get back on track. I even had this all ready to go yesterday. But, dumkoff, I forgot to actually post it. GAA! Oh well.


Dan (Croatoan5376@yahoo.com) said...

I've wondered about that, too, and I even work for Walmart (I've also wondered why we play an advertising video on a two or three minute loop on all of the TVs, rather than playing a movie that people might actually pay attention to; as it is, the advertising video seems to be little more than "white noise" as far as most customers are concerned). Why put up televisions that are clearly intended for display purposes only, and then have game controls that don't work attached to them?

(the short answer, I think, is that in the dim recesses of the retailing past, those controllers actually did do something; I recall a year or so back there being a fully functional, fully interactive Wii set up in the electronics dept. Not sure why they took it down exactly)

But then, what do I know? I don't have an MBA in Marketing or anything like that; I just buy the stuff...

Brigid said...

@Dan: No kidding. What would we know? Well, maybe the movies would be too distracting and people would just stand in the aisles staring up instead of buying stuff. But you'd think they could make the games functional.

Brian H. Gill said...


I've suspected that, in some cases at least, the kid who knew how to work the electronics left - and was replaced by someone who was good with people, but a bit clueless on technology.

It may get to be less of an issue, as people who grew up using a mouse, joystick, and tracking ball spread across the workforce.

Of course, by then kids who grew up with neural implants will be better at - - -.

This is not a boring period of history.

Brian H. Gill said...


I wouldn't beat yourself up. Finals are coming - and you've got priorities.

This, too, will pass - and so, I think, will you.

Brigid said...

@Dad: Thanks. It certainly would be nice to get that diploma if nothing else.

Dan (Croatoan5376@yahoo.com) said...

@ Brian: Well, it was less than two decades ago that the MPEG, MP3, and related formats were science fiction as well. Neural implants probably aren't that far fetched.

Saw a piece on the History Channel not long ago that spoke of TVs no thicker than a sheet of mylar that are actually in the pre-development stages today, TVs that one might actually be able to fold up, stick in his pocket or a backpack, and when he gets to wherever it is that he might be going, just unfold it and place it on a wall, poster-style, or spread it out on a table. The same show suggested the very real possibility of TVs that might be installed on the back of one's eyelids, believe it or not (not sure how I feel about that last one; it's cool in theory, but people seem to be adept enough at turning themselves off from society with the likes of MP3 players and whatnot, tech that isn't hardwired into their heads).

In short (or long, as the case may be), an interesting time in history, indeed.