Friday, May 8, 2009

Chapter 7, Page 38 Mental association meltdown.

It's Popeye the Alarming Image.

Where does Mary get these ideas? Who knows. I haven't really figured out how my brain works, either. And what nutcase thought of using Popeye to promote spinach? As if the canned stuff wasn't gross enough, you're telling kids they can be just like this seriously deformed sailor by eating the stuff. Eeeeeeew.


Brian H. Gill said...

The gift of having a brain that provides that sort of association is, I think, comparatively rare.

Learning to distinguish between real and imaginary - which isn't necessarily the same as weird/not weird - takes time and will.

And, for me, it has been a gift: although I'll admit that it's got its down sides.

Tenacious-K said...

Well, it worked for me - totally brainwashed. Made me want to eat spinach since I was about eight! Still love it today, thanks to Popeye. Never did get those giant forearms, though, or the anchor tatoo.

Canned: warmed with some lemon juice and slivered almonds. Fresh: gently wilted in a skillet with a bit of olive oil and garlic. Yum!

Brigid said...

@Dad: Still sometimes have trouble distinguishing memories from dreams from memories of things that actually happened.

@Tenacious-K: Funny thing is, I have nothing against spinach. Though I do find the sight of the canned stuff a little too reminiscent of the mutant oatmeal from Calvin and Hobbs.

Frybozu said...

I've always wondered what kind of excercises result in massive forearm muscles, but leaves the rest of you looking like a twig.

Brigid said...

@Frybozu: I'm not entirely sure, myself, but my understanding is that it's repetitive use of the lower portion of your arms but not the upper part. And, of course, Popeye is an extreme caricature.

prozac said...

Well, never let it be said that cartoons and characters from Popeye's era made much sense. Then again, in most cases, they actually still don't make much sense.

Zach said...

it's repetitive use of the lower portion of your arms but not the upper part.Sounds like a description of sitting and typing on the computer. :) I had to have physical therapy for carpal tunnel stuff a few years ago, and the PT commented on how well-developed my forearm muscles are ... perhaps I'm morphing into a proto-Popeye? Yikes!

Brigid said...

@Zach: Good luck with the carpel tunnel thing! My Dad had to have surgery for that. Definite ouch.

Oh, and sorry all for the lack of updates lately. Things have been kinda insane on my end.

Acacia H. said...

Girl, as I have said numerous times, "real life trumps comics." And all that jazz. ^^;;

Good luck with your finals and classes and all of that. Take care, kiddo. :) *ruffles your hair*

Brigid said...

@Robert: Thanks. ^_^ Actually, finals are over with. My summer job, on the other hand, is proving to be a little more chaotic than I first thought. Seems I actually do quite well at sales. The traveling, not so much.

Lifi said...

I happen to *like* spinach, thank you very much <_<;

Zach said...

Thanks! Actually, it's quite under control, as long as I watch my posture, exercise, and diet.

Speaking of diet, I discovered that I like spinach, in any form except that slimy junk that comes out of a can (that my mom and the school cafeteria used to glop out for us...)

Brigid said...

@Zach: You're welcome. ^_^

You mean that green goop that looks like it's going to try to crawl off the plate? Ugh. Definitely get the fresh stuff. The only vegetable I will eat out of a can is beet. Maybe carrot if it's in something and I don't have to eat it by itself.