Talk about flawed logic, though she does have some reason to be concerned. There are few thoughts as horrifying as the possibility of being mistaken for your Dad's wife.
Not that Mary has much to worry about there. Most people mistake Dad for being in her grandparents' generation. But Mary is used to the way her parents look, so she doesn't consider this.
Not that Mary has much to worry about there. Most people mistake Dad for being in her grandparents' generation. But Mary is used to the way her parents look, so she doesn't consider this.
I've been there. I was once mistaken for my mom's husband...
@Oscar: Dang. I can just imagine what that was like.
Yeah, I had that issue with my daughter. I've always looked a good deal younger than my age so by the time she was a senior in H.S. peolple always assumed we were either dating, married, or brother & sister. Really pissed her off!
She's okay with it now since she has the same trait - looks about ten years younger than her actual mid-thirties. She's happy about that at least.
@Tenacious-K: Oh man. I can imagine. (And lucky you, in some respects.) The one downside to looking so young is that it can be hard to find work. People just wouldn't believe that I was old enough!
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