Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chapter 12, Page 8 Work with it.


Well, it's only been two weeks since my last update. I'm getting better! ^^;

Anyway, yes, Mary just reinvented the Molotov coctail. In a swords and sorcery rpg. It's a perfectly reasonable idea! And actually happened. Complete with Dad's reaction.



Acacia H. said...

That reminds me of the expression on my face after I had a vampire try to drop on my friend Bill's character and bite his neck. I'd not realized that he'd just previously cast Stoneskin on himself. So what was "he drops behind you and bites your neck" after my surprise subsided became "you hear a soft thud behind you, a sudden *crack* and a cry of pain as the vampire clutches its jaw, having broken its teeth on your neck." ^^;;

Ah, fun days, fun days.

Brigid said...

@Robert: lol! I'd like to see the vampire's face after that!

Dan ( said...

It's usually easier to find the carotid artery than that...

I'm not certain that this is what I'd call an instance of metagame thinking (after all, it does make a certain amount of sense; grenade-type weapons have been around at least since the time of Hannibal, if not longer, and both Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan utilized flaming missiles). After all, your character seems to have already established a tendency for thinking outside of the box...

Brigid said...

@Dan: Of course. But can you imagine putting something like that in a story? It's like Romans riding around in taxis and eating hamburgers. Wait...

Ah, the fun you can have with a little knowledge.