Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Chapter 5, Page 12 On the road

Road work next 10 miles.

Minnesota has two major seasons. Winter and road work. Unfortunately, road work corresponds to the time of year when everyone is trying to get as far away from home as possible. It's annoying and great fodder for jokes.


Tenacious-K said...

I know what you mean! We have the same seasons in Chicago! ;D

Here's a good one: on my way to work there's a construction heralded by a big sign that reads, "Traffic Flow Improvement Project. Expect Delays." Is that great? I assume this brought to us by the State Oxymoron Dept.

Sometimes I just wanna stay home instead of battling it all. But no one will pay me to do that. Bummer! And I'm really good at it too.

Brigid said...

Oh man, yeah. Right now the street in front of my parents house is entirely torn up and it's blocked off with big signs saying "Closed to through traffic." Well ya gotta go through there if you're going to get to your house! Or the grocery store, or church, or...

It doesn't help any that the rain recently has delayed the work, and turned the area into a giant mud hole.

Anonymous said...

They say getting there is half the fun =D

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... In North Carolina, it's like that, only we have four seasons: Almost Hot, Hot, Still Hot, and Road Work. Which, coincidentally, is usually pretty hot as well.

Brigid said...

Whoever said getting there is half the fun never tried to get someplace with a car full of small children.

I take in North Carolina is rather on the warm side. lol

Tenacious-K said...

I lived in Tucson a while back, and I concluded there were two seasons there: hot and hotter. I was never so glad as I was to leave there for a temperate zone!