Let's be fair, first of all. Dad could sleep through an air raid siren, a little thunder and a screaming baby aren't going to even register. Besides, Mom is the one with the nurturing instincts. Dad's job is to chase bats out of the bedroom.
More on that later.
More on that later.
You know, the bit about chasing bats out of the room takes me back to when I was about 10 or 12 years old and woke up to my Mom standing over me, frantically trying to swat a bat out of the air with a broom.
My brother and I slept with a loaded baseball bat and tennis racket, respectively, for the next week.
@Dan: LOL! I can imagine. Though I remember being intensely disappointed that the bat hadn't visited my room. At least while I was conscious. (I take after Dad. Wild elephants could move in next door and I wouldn't notice.)
My mom is kind of the same. I remember she once told me she slept through an earthquake.
@Journo: A handy trait, if somewhat dangerous in such cases. (I'm hoping it was a fairly minor earthquake.)
@Brigid: I heard it was a big one. Not too sure though since I wasn't around at the time.
@Journo: Wow. Well, at least she's still around.
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