So Mary is back in driving class. Or, at least her body is. As usual, keeping her mind in the same reality that her body inhabits proves a little too hard. Maybe if the classroom didn't feel like a rainforest.
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Been there. Done that. Sort of. I don't remember a rhino, specifically, haunting any of my scholastic daydreams. But you try giving your full attention to a Spanish teacher when your assigned (and uncomfortable) seat is next to the window and an obsolete air conditioner/radiator. And when the teacher seems to take some sort of sadistic pride in the fact that she's teaching the Old Castilian dialect rather than something that might be useful, like the dialect more prominent here in North America. And of course, it never helped that I found Spanish boring to begin with (I had wanted to take French), and my imagination was always running on overdrive even before I took my seat...
@Dan: Ouch. I can relate, some teachers give one the impression that they really don't enjoy teaching.
And I guess it wasn't clear, but that isn't a rino. It's supposed to be one of the ceratopsid dinosaurs. I guess I should have made it a triceratops to make it easier to identify.
@Naomi: Oops.
Yes, not that I look at it again, it's more clear. I probably jumped to the "rhino" conclusion because of the horn, and the fact one simply doesn't expect to run across a dinosaur in a contemporary (I'm assuming?) jungle setting...except, perhaps, for an mokele-mbembe (but then that would theoretically be a sauropod, wouldn't it, not a ceratopsian). That, and in retrospect, not many rhinos have cranial shields/ridges either, to the best of my recollection. :D
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